Episode 12

Eval20 Virtual Experience - Post-Conference Reflections


November 10th, 2020

34 mins 35 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Thank you to everyone who participated in the call-in to share their own reflections about the 2020 AEA virtual experience!

In this episode, I start with thanking the conference organizers, sharing my own reflections, and then pass it off to the eight people who called in to share their own reflections:

  1. Rachael Lawrence (@R8chLawrence)
  2. Rakesh Mohan (@RakeshMohanEval)
  3. Ann Price (@annwprice)
  4. Elizabeth Grim (@ecgrim)
  5. Jeremy Danz (@DanzJeremy)
  6. Veronica Olazabal (@veroviews)
  7. Tiffany Smith (@Tiffany7001
  8. Libby Smith (@work_with_libby)

Music by Matt Ingelson, http://www.mattingelsonmusic.com/

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