
Episode Archive

Episode Archive

46 episodes of EvaluLand since the first episode, which aired on June 1st, 2020.

  • 45: Sheila Robinson and Kim Leonard

    May 28th, 2024  |  1 hr 2 mins
    blogging, book, evaluation, publishing, survey

    This episode featured Kim Leonard and Sheila Robinson discussing their careers in evaluation and survey design. They shared how they met on Twitter in 2012 and began collaborating, writing blog posts that eventually became their book "Designing Quality Survey Questions." Sheila and Kim discussed their process for writing the book, starting with blog content and building it out over several years into a full manuscript. They also covered common issues they see in surveys and tips for developing effective survey questions.

  • 44: Brittany Dernberger

    April 23rd, 2024  |  50 mins 35 secs

    This month I chat with Brittany Dernberger about her evaluation background and practice.

  • 43: Allison Prieur

    March 26th, 2024  |  50 mins 6 secs

    This month I talk with Allison Prieur about her experiences as a graduate student in evaluation and running a business.

  • 42: Making ECB sticky with Corey Newhouse and Jessica Manta Meyer

    June 20th, 2023  |  1 hr 12 mins
    capacity building, evaluation, evaluation capacity building, nonprofit evaluation

    In this episode, I chat with Corey Newhouse and Jessica Manta Meyer, both from Public Profit, about how to make evaluation capacity building sticky for the organizations we work with.

  • 41: Theory-based approaches for navigating complexity with Michael Moses

    May 23rd, 2023  |  55 mins 10 secs
    complexity, evaluation, learning strategies, theory-based approaches

    In this episode, I chat with Michael Moses about theory-based approaches for navigating complexity, adaptive management, participatory strategy, and actions to shift power.

  • 40: Community-based participatory research with Dr. Tatiana Bustos

    February 7th, 2023  |  34 mins 45 secs
    cbpr, community-based participatory research, evaluation

    In this episode, I chat with Dr. Tatiana Elisa Bustos on community-based participatory research (CBPR). We talked about what it is, how it compares to research and other similar forms of inquiry, and how to get started doing CBPR.

  • 39: #Eval22 Conference Preview

    November 1st, 2022  |  15 mins 6 secs
    american evaluation association, conference, eval22, evaluation

    In this episode, I provide a brief overview of the #Eval22 conference, describe the schedule at a glance, and provide tips for getting the most out of the conference. I hope to see you in New Orleans! Say hi to me at the conference to get an EvaluLand nametag ribbon.

  • 38: Subcontracting with Dr. Tamara Hamai

    September 6th, 2022  |  52 mins 16 secs
    contracting, evaluation, independent consulting, subcontracting

    I talked with Dr. Tamara Hamai of Hamai Consulting about contracting, subcontracting, and independent consulting in evaluation. We discussed the minor differences between contracting and subcontracting, cleared up a common misconception of what subcontracting relationships are like, how to get into subcontracting, and tips for setting up contracts.

  • 37: Strategic Planning with Carrie Tanasichuk and Harry Daley

    August 2nd, 2022  |  1 hr 2 mins
    evaluation, nonprofit, strategic planning, theory of change

    This episode I chatted with Carrie Tanasichuk and Harry Daley about how they have been using theories of change as your main process for facilitating strategic planning with non-profits.

  • 36: Evaluation Job Market with Bradlie Nabours

    July 5th, 2022  |  54 mins 19 secs
    career, evaluation, interviewing, job market, networking

    This episode I chatted with Bradlie Nabours about how he got into the field of evaluation and his experience applying for evaluation jobs. He also talks about his evaluation experience and provides great tips on applying for jobs in the evaluation space.

  • 35: International Evaluation with Dr. Tristi Nichols

    June 7th, 2022  |  57 mins 6 secs
    dac, evaluation, international, international evaluation, oecd

    On this episode, I’m chatting with Dr. Tristi Nichols about her work conducting international evaluation and her journey into the international and evaluation spaces.

  • 34: Evaluation Job Market with Dr. Ayesha Boyce

    May 3rd, 2022  |  59 mins 51 secs
    career, evaluation, interview, job market, networking

    On this episode, I’m chatting with Dr. Ayesha Boyce about the evaluation job market. Ayesha provides a ton of great insights and information about how to search for jobs, what to consider when looking for jobs, and tips for being a strong job candidate.

  • 33: Worker Training Evaluation with Dr. Eric Persaud

    April 12th, 2022  |  49 mins 27 secs
    disaster and emergency management evaluation, evaluation, niehs, nih

    On this episode, I’m chatting with Eric Persaud about evaluation at the National Institutes of Health, including his work in the Worker Training Program at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. We also talked about his dissertation, how he got into the field of evaluation, and his experiences in conducting evaluation in general.

  • 32: Systemic Design Thinking with Jan Noga

    March 8th, 2022  |  1 hr 5 mins
    evaluation, systemic design thinking, systems approaches, systems thinking

    in this episode, I chat with Jan Noga about systemic design thinking in evaluation.

  • 31: Trauma-informed organizations with Martha Brown

    February 8th, 2022  |  1 hr 1 min
    evaluation, trauma, trauma-informed, trauma-informed evaluation

    This episode I chat with Martha Brown, PhD about trauma-informed evaluation, but more specifically about how we as evaluators can help organizations become more trauma-informed.

  • 30: Eval21Reflections with Radical (Re)imagining

    December 7th, 2021  |  38 mins 16 secs
    american evaluation association, conference, eval21, evaluation, radical (re)imagining

    I chat with Libby Smith and Tiffany Tovey, two of the three hosts of the Radical Re(imagining) podcast, to chat about what felt radical about the 2021 AEA virtual conference.