Episode 9

R with David Keyes


September 29th, 2020

1 hr 5 mins 19 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

This week I am joined by David Keyes. We talked about R, why evaluators should learn R, tips for teaching courses, and more!

Interested in getting started with R? Check out David's free course!

Interested in learning how to do inferential statistics in R? Check our our new course!


Blog posts

Other resources

Some packages: tidyverse, beepr, praise, janitor, gt, gtsummary, lavaan, ggplot, rstatix, papaja


About David:

David Keyes is the founder of R for the Rest of Us. Through online courses and custom trainings, he helps people and organizations learn R, the most powerful tool for data analysis and visualization (which also happens to be free).

In addition to training folks to use R, David does consulting work with research and evaluation organizations, foundations, and others. David's creates high-quality data visualization, helps organizations to use R to improve their workflow, and much more.

Music by Matt Ingelson, http://www.mattingelsonmusic.com/

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